PTA Volunteer Descriptions
1st VP - Programs | 2nd VP - Membership | 3rd VP - Ways and Means | 4th VP - Volunteers | 5K Family Fun Run | 8th Grade Celebration | Bank Statement Reviewer | Box Tops for Education | Communications & Technology/Website | Community Outreach | Community Partners | Copy Room | Council Delegate | eNews | Environmental | Hospitality Chair | Hospitality Committee | Library Coordinator | Multicultural | Parliamentarian | Poetry Slam | President | Reflections (Arts in Education) | Restaurant Spirit Nights | SAGE | School Supplies | Secretary | Socials Committee | Spirit Wear | Teacher Grant Committee | Treasurer | Website & Social Media
Executive Board
President, Vice Presidents, Secretary and Treasurer are all elected officers. All other officers and chairs are appointed volunteer positions. The PTA board is always looking for volunteers who are interested in serving on the PTA Board. All positions are listed below. If you are interested in any of the positions or would like more information, please contact Read our frequently asked questions about serving on our PTA Board or as a chairperson.
Time Commitment: 4-8 hours per week
Busiest Times of Year: Busiest at the beginning of the year but flattens out; additional special projects as desired
Key Responsibilities: Manage overall objectives and strategies of PTA; act as liaison between parents, principal, and staff; create agenda and facilitate PTA meetings; attend monthly PTA Council meetings and other special events.
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1st VP - Programs
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours per week
Busiest Times of Year: Prior to school starting and early part of the school year.
Key Responsibilities: Explore the possibilities of new and continued after school enrichment programs; plan parent and enrichment programs; publicize and attract attendance to after school and parent programs.
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2nd VP - Membership
Time Commitment: Up to 8 hours; Good job for parent working daytime hours
Busiest Times of Year: September
Key Responsibilities: Review and plan membership drives according to the Membership Awards deadlines posted on; collect, count, and deposit money with treasurer; generate a monthly report of new members to be submitted to TexasPTA.
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3rd VP - Ways and Means
Time Commitment: 2 hours per week; much more during peak times
Busiest Times of Year: Around our major fund raisers
Key Responsibilities: Support committee chairs for key fundraising events; continue to monitor success of fundraisers and recommend changes to fund raising objectives and strategies.
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4th VP - Volunteers
Time Commitment: Varies by activity
Busiest Times of Year: Start of school year
Key Responsibilities: Works with the principal, the teachers, the volunteers, and PISD volunteer coordinator; create sign-up forms for volunteers as needed; help volunteers become familiar with the school policies, people, programs, and the building itself.
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Communications & Technology
Time Commitment: 10+ hours a week
Busiest Times of Year: Steady effort throughout the year
Key Responsibilities: Publicize school and PTA information and events on website; maintain web presence by updating information and beautifying the site; ensure that online calendar content is up-to-date. Maintain MMS' web presence by updating web information and beautifying the site; ensure that paid services are renewed annually; manage the administrative side of the Google Apps account by creating and maintaining email addresses; support board members with various Membership ToolKit functionalities and features.
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Council Delegate
Time Commitment: Up to 5 hours a month
Busiest Times of Year: Around PISD Council meeting dates
Key Responsibilities: Receive information from the council (Plano ISD Council of PTAs); report actions back to MMS PTA; vote as directed by the local unit membership.
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Hospitality Chair
Time Commitment: 5-8 hours per month
Busiest Times of Year: On-going
Key Responsibilities: Recruit committee of helpers and focus on making all /staff feel welcome; hosting several events during the school year including teacher luncheons and back to school events.
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Time Commitment: 40 hours annually, without amending any bylaws
Busiest Times of Year: On-going
Key Responsibilities: Attend all PTA general meetings and PTA board meetings; ensure all present at meetings act within Bylaws, and within some approximation of parliamentary procedure; Chair the Bylaws Committee and review bylaws and standing rules annually; formal adoption of new bylaws is completed every other year.
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Time Commitment: 30 hours per year
Busiest Times of Year: Following each PTA meeting
Key Responsibilities: Take minutes at PTA meetings, then forward to president and Minutes Review Committee; submit minutes for inclusion on the website; make copies of the minutes for the next PTA meeting so they can be approved by the membership.
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Time Commitment: 100 hours per year, including attending PTA meetings. Tax return takes about 4 hours
Busiest Times of Year: Beginning of the year due to learning curve; some late Spring/Summer work getting budget ready for Fall with the president. Key Responsibilities: Prepare the annual tax return; generate and maintain the PTA budget; inform committees of budgeted funds; pay bills and reimbursements as required; prepare and present budget report for each PTA board and general meeting.
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BOARD Chairs and Committee Members
Major Fundraising: 5K Family Fun Run/Check Writing Campaign
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8th Grade Celebration
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Bank Statement Reviewer
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Community Outreach
Time Commitment: Busiest Time of Year: Key Responsibilities: Community Outreach involves knowing the community surrounding your school and the families attending it. As the chair, you may be asked to assist in a variety of drives for worthy causes. Past examples include collecting goods/donating to: Plano ISD Education Foundation (school supplies, grants), North Texas Food Bank, Community Outreach programs organized by the Plano ISD Council of PTAs, other local PISD Title 1 Schools.
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Community Partners
Time Commitment: Busiest Time of Year: Key Responsibilities: Work within the broader Murphy and Plano communities and partner with local businesses. Organize donation or membership packages for businesses, and provide opportunities for school parents and local businesses to connect in ways that are mutually beneficial.
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Copy Room Chair
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Time Commitment: Approximately 8-10 hours per month Busiest Times of Year: On-going Key Responsibilities: Promote participation in America Recycles Day, Earth Day, Texas/National Arbor Day; work with community organizations that promote environmental priorities, such as the City of Plano Sustainability and Environmental Education Division; encourage campus participation in activities that promote “reduce-reuse-recycle” practices on campus.
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Library Coordinator
Time Commitment: 75 hours per year
Busiest Times of Year: Very intense for the weeks surrounding the Fall and Spring Book Fairs
Key Responsibilities: Coordinate the marketing, sales, set-up and tear-down, staffing (with assistance of VP Volunteers), inventory control, and overall operations of our Fall and Spring Book Fairs; prior to each book fair, coordinate with PTA Treasurer a schedule for depositing cash on a nightly basis.
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Time Commitment: 75 hours annually Busiest Times of Year: Surrounding Multicultural Night Key Responsibilities: Complies with and promotes the Inclusiveness Committee of the Texas PTA Board of Directors' mission: "To continually be a voice for all children by reflecting diversity and being inclusive in our membership, leadership, program content, advocacy, training, partnerships and communications." Promotes cultural awareness and communication among all cultural groups; organizes and participates in school and community events that promote this mission, including responsibility for school's annual multicultural event.
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Reflections (Arts in Education)
Time Commitment:
Busiest Times of Year: Fall (Reflections)
Key Responsibilities: Ensure that your PTA is supporting access to the arts, year-round, by identifying arts-related activities. Organize and promote the National PTA Reflections Contest at Murphy MS. Collect student entries, verify PTA membership, organize and complete judging of entries. Coordinate with Plano ISD Council of PTAs to advance winning entries to the district level. If necessary, coordinate with Texas PTA and National PTA for advancing entries.
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Restaurant Spirit Nights
Time Commitment: About 1-2 hours a month
Busiest Times of Year: Prior to school starting
Key Responsibilities: Schedule and plan monthly/bimonthly restaurant nights using the principal approved school activity calendar; securing the dates in the summer is best.
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Time Commitment: 3 hours per month, based on activities
Busiest Times of Year: Based on activities
Key Responsibilities: SAGE stands for Special and Gifted Education and the mission of our SAGE Committee is to provide an opportunity for families and teachers of students who learn differently to share resources and friendship. SAGE volunteers at both Council and local Chapter PTAs work together to provide education, communication and support.
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School Supplies
Time Commitment: About 60 hours in total
Busiest Times of Year: February-May & August
Key Responsibilities: Work with the PTA Board, Principal, teachers (as necessary) and a school supply vendor to assemble an MMS-specific school supply packet for each grade level; coordinate orders and to deliver purchased supplies at Maverick March.
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Spirit Wear
Busiest Times of Year: Beginning of school year
Time Commitment: About 60 hours in total
Key Responsibilities: Design and order MMS Spirit Wear items; work with a vendor to create the design; fill incoming orders placed through our online system and facilitate the delivery of items to students; utilize the Order Fulfillment features of Membership Toolkit to keep track of all orders filled.
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Teacher Grant Committee
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Social Media
Time Commitment: 1-2 hours a week
Busiest Times of Year: Beginning of school year, then steady effort throughout the year.
Key Responsibilities: Publicize school and PTA information and events on social media. Facebook/Instagram/X (formerly known as Twitter).
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Hospitality Committee
Time Commitment: 5-8 hours per month
Busiest Times of Year: On-going
Key Responsibilities: Focus on making all staff feel welcome and appreciated; host several events during the school year including teacher luncheons and back to school events.
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Socials Committee
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Frequently Asked QUestions
What PTA board and committee chairperson positions are available?
PTA board and committee chair positions are open to any MMS parent and do not require previous board or PTA experience. If you are interested in a PTA board position for the following school year, you should contact the parliamentarian or a nominating committee member in January or February. You can also request committee involvement - if there is an activity or event for which you would like to be on a committee, reach out to a current PTA board member.
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How do PTA board positions get filled?
A nominating committee, coordinated by the current parliamentarian, is elected in January of each school year. This committee then seeks out nominees for each board position and presents a slate of candidates to the membership at the March PTA meeting. Board elections are conducted at the April PTA meeting.
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How do PTA committee chair positions get filled?
After a PTA board is elected, the PTA president for the following school year seeks individuals to fill committee chair roles. If you are interested in a PTA committee chair position for the following school year, you should look for announcements in our social media, eNews, or talk to current board or committee members for more information in January or February. The board slate process begins in March, with the new board confirmed in the April general meeting.
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MMS PTA is a noncommercial, nonsectarian, nonpartisan association that does not endorse any candidate or political party. This PTA does not endorse non-PTA products or services. Solicitation, or anything that resembles solicitation, shall not be posted on this site. If complaints are received about content or if the PTA deems content to be advertising, that content will be removed regardless of whether the content is relevant to our members. Offensive or inappropriate content shall not be tolerated. Any such content will be removed and the author banned from the site. Offensive or inappropriate content includes anything that isn’t child friendly, personal attacks, spam, or bullying of any kind. Posts endorsing a candidate for office or any political party shall be removed immediately. This site is not the appropriate place to express complaints and grievances. If you have a concern, please contact a member of the PTA executive board.
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